
The Hawaii Leaders Core (HLC) was founded in 2013, by Alexander D. Muto, a 16 year old high school student. During his youth, he was bullied for his ADHD, dyslexia and being caucasian in a primarily Asian/Hawaiian community. However, it all changed in 2013 after attending a 5 day youth leadership summit. Alexander’s life made a 180 degree shift when he learned the life-changing skills at the summit. He found great value in them. Sadly, they were not part of the standard curriculum taught in schools. He was compelled to give this same opportunity he had to attend the summit to all the students of Hawaii. From this empowered place, he created the Hawaii Leaders Core, with these four initial goals: 1. To take 40 students, per year, to leadership events throughout the world. 2. To create a network of growth minded, empowered students on Maui who meet monthly to support and learn with each other. 3. To provide internship and mentoring programs that connect Hawaii’s youth with experts in the community. 4. To host a residential leadership event on Maui by 2018. Alexander is on target with all his current goals.

The following year, HLC raised over $60,000 and sent 40 Hawaii youth to the Global Youth Leadership Summit hosted by the Anthony Robbins Foundation in San Diego. Alexander’s mother, Robin Muto, created a sister company, Ignite A Life, which is a non-profit for education, to help manage the donations and finances of HLC. Since its inception, Ignite A Life has facilitated over 188 opportunities for HLC students to attend leadership summits in Hawaii, on the mainland, and internationally in London and Australia. They also have been invited to attend youth conferences in Africa and India. These opportunities have been given to students from 16 different schools in Maui County. Students have grown tremendously from attending these life-changing events and there are countless testimonies from teachers, students, and family members validating their successes from being a part of the HLC by attending these events, participating in mentoring programs and partaking in the monthly meetings.