Student Spotlight

Danny Ornelas

By Nicole Deshong | Feb. 2, 2018

Meet Danny Ornelas, a 19-year-old who has hopes of giving back to his community on a large scale. Danny joined the Hawaii Leaders Core in 2015 and is currently a part of the Administration team. He is on a journey towards becoming a professional motivational speaker. He has spoken at one TEDxYouth event and seven schools on Maui about his life and the great challenges he has overcome. Danny has an inspiring story and never takes the role of a victim, regardless of what hurdle he must surpass. 

In 10 years, Danny sees himself contributing in more significant ways to the HLC and to his island home of Maui. In addition, Danny sees himself influencing the lives of those around him as an entrepreneur. He is passionate about Maui and its future. In Danny’s free time, you’ll find him hiking, going on various last minute trips back home, or simply relaxing with his girlfriend

Danny enjoys reaching out to others so that they can grow as a person. He said, “I can’t stand that feeling of stagnation or the deep-rooted feeling that what I’m doing goes against God’s plan.” Two things he is most grateful for right now are his relationship with God and the people that surround him; the kind of people who lift Danny higher every day and who won’t let him fail without helping him back up. 

Thank you, Danny, you are sure to achieve the highest success! 

Naia Litman

By Nicole Deshong | Jan. 3, 2018

Naia joined the Hawaii Leaders Core in 2015 and has always been a positive influence towards others. She is a dedicated member to Hawaii Leaders Core, and is committed to growing as a leader. Naia finds joy in giving back to others anyway that she can. She works very hard at school and her job, and has even saved up part of her earnings to pay for a portion of her tuition to attend a leadership conference on the mainland. She learns quickly and is always applying her new knowledge to her life and to helping others.

Naia is a 16 year old junior at Kihei Charter High School. She is very passionate about music and the arts. She hopes to create & spread uplifting conscious music and lyrics. Her goal is to help young girls share their voice and musical passions. In 10 years, Naia sees herself performing around the states.

At the end of the day, the people Naia holds close are the ones who support her the most. She said, “I am most grateful for my family and close friends who are my support system and the light of my life.”

Check out Naia’s music at

JJ Jerome

By Nicole Deshong | Dec. 1, 2017

JJ Jerome has just begun his freshman year in college at Hawaii Pacific University (HPU). He is 18 years old, and continues to be an outstanding dedicated member of Hawaii Leaders Core since first joining in 2013. His community outreach consists of playing for the worship team at church, leading HPU’s Hawaiian Ensemble, & volunteering where he can at school. Music and League of Legends are strong passions of his. In JJ’s free time, he plays music and watches Anime. Above all, his favorite pastime is spending time with his loving girlfriend.
In 10 years, JJ sees himself as a leader in his community by being the best version of himself and encouraging others to do the same. He also sees himself being debt-free and playing instruments for fun. One thing JJ is most grateful for in his life right now is the life God has given him and the people around him. JJ said, “without my friends and family, I would be in a heap of trouble. But thanks to them, I got my life together and I’m gonna use it to the best of abilities.” Mahalo JJ for your amazing contribution to our ʻohana!

Malia Paulino

By Nicole Deshong | Nov. 1, 2017

Malia Paulino is a 15 year old Sophomore at Maui Preparatory Academy. She joined the Hawaii Leaders Core in 2016 and has continued to grow ever since. Malia has been stepping up this year by running as class president and making shirts for her class. She was able to get a sponsor who paid for half of the shirts’ printing cost for her class. Malia is involved in the Rotary Interact Club where she does highway/beach cleanups to improve her community.

Within the next 10 years, Malia plans to become an Army Medic or obtain a pre-med undergraduate Bachelor’s of Science degree and continue on to medical school to complete her MD so she can practice medicine as a physician. Her passion is focused on others. She creates smiles on her peer’s faces by creating motivational post-it notes and sticking them on the bathroom mirror in school. Malia hopes to give back to the world by lending a helping hand.

Right now, she is most grateful for the people she met in Australia during the Magic Moments Foundation’s (MMF) Youth Leadership & Business Summit. Hawaii Leaders Core and Ignite A Life worked to sponsor both Malia and her mother to attend this event this past summer. Whenever Malia is feeling down, she goes to the peer group from MMF and they are always there for her. Thank you Malia for your compassionate heart that you add to our ʻohana.

Wilson Tinkler

By Nicole Deshong | Oct. 1, 2017

Wilson Tinkler is one of many leaders from Hawaii Leaders Core. He is 16 years old and is currently attending Maui Preparatory Academy as a Sophomore. Wilson joined HLC in 2016 and has made an incredible impact in the community since then. Wilson cooks for the meetings and also contributes his time a the audio & visual technician at his school. Although he is unsure of where he sees himself in ten years, Wilson aspires to overwork himself changing other people’s lives for the greater good. He is very passionate about being self-driven. If there is one thing Wilson is most grateful for in his life right now, it is, “living this long and having these experiences I’ve had.”

The Hawaii Leaders Core ʻohana appreciates Wilson Tinkler for his dedication towards the organization and for being a huge role model. Being a leader requires an individual to step out of their comfort zone. Wilson has demonstrated that. It is always amazing to see the youth challenging themselves and setting an example for others. Thank you, Wilson! We love you!